Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite communication and networking is a rapidly growing field with great potential for enabling new and innovative applications by providing low-latency, high-bandwidth Internet connectivity globally. Massive-scale LEO deployments from industrial players, such as Starlink, OneWeb, etc. have allowed wide-scale availability of LEO satellite network access globally but their network remains to operate as a black box. However, considering the state of LEO networking and constellation design is still in its infancy, we believe that the unique challenges posed by the inherently dynamic LEO satellite architectures, necessitate novel solutions in network architecture, protocol design, resource management, along with several other verticals.

LEONET 2024 invites submissions from researchers and practitioners in academia and industry who are exploring the latest developments and open challenges in LEO satellite networks and communications. We also welcome work-in-progress and position papers that present new directions, highly original ideas, or have the potential to provoke insightful discussions during the workshop. Whether you're an expert or a newcomer to the field, we encourage you to join us and contribute to this exciting area of research.

As such, the scope of this workshop includes (but is not limited to) the following topics.

  • LEO topology/constellation design
  • Routing for LEO constellations
  • Transport for LEO networks
  • Optical/RF wireless last-mile
  • Resource management for LEO networks
  • Mobility and handover management in LEO networks
  • Interactions between LEO, MEO and GEO constellations
  • Interplay next-generation mobile (5G, 6G) and LEO networks
  • Mobile/Edge computing and IoT in space
  • ML/AI for LEO satellites
  • Emerging applications for LEO networks
  • Performance measurements over LEO networks
  • Simulation/Emulation tools for LEO networks
  • Security/Privacy for LEO networks


    Submissions must be original, unpublished work, and not currently under consideration elsewhere. Submitted papers must be no longer than five (5) pages, including all figures, tables, followed by 1 page references. Submission should be single PDF file with all fonts embedded, in two-column 10pt ACM format. All submissions must be double-blind and authors must remove all references to their names and affiliations. Prospective authors are encouraged to use the same PDF formatting guidelines as the main conference. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the workshop. Accepted papers will be published in the MobiCom Workshop Proceedings, and available at the ACM Digital Library.

    You may find these templates useful in complying with the above requirements. For Latex users, please use \documentclass[sigconf, 10pt, anonymous]{acmart}. But as an author, you bear the final responsibility to verify (manually or through the above online paper checker) that your submission is format-compliant.

    Submission website:

    Paper submission: Jul 19th, 2024 Aug 2nd, 2024 (23:59:59 AoE)
    Paper acceptance notification: September 2nd, 2024
    Camera ready: September 13th, 2024
    Workshop: November 18th, 2024

    If you have any other questions regarding ACM LEO-NET 2024, please contact us at